Gentrification & the Poor

Recently, the Daily News reported on the existence of a city-sponsored ethnographic study entitled " The Effects of Neighborhood Change on NYCHA Residents ." Published back in May, the study looked at three housing projects across the city and concluded what we all know: Gentrification is not good for the poor. new park at Hudson Yards This may seem obvious and not worth the time and expense of a study, but it's actually not obvious at all to many people. Journalists today are asking, " Is gentrification all bad? " They're urging, " Gentrifiers, hold your heads high ." They go so far as to call gentrification " healthy for cities ," decrying it as a "myth" that's " not as bad for the poor as you think ." They even holler about how " Gentrification is good for the poor ." In conversations about gentrification, we're constantly hearing about how it brings in wonderful things for all to enjoy, li...