
If you've ever been to a movie at the Museum of Modern Art (or Cinema Village or Film Forum) you may have encountered a cinemaniac. Obsessed and cantankerous, they are masters of the shush. I once witnessed them nearly lynch an elderly woman for the crime of loudly unwrapping a hard candy. If you go to a movie here, you have to submit to the madness. Enjoy it. This is where all the eccentrics who've been driven from the streets of Manhattan have washed up. I don't go to the MoMA movies as often as I used to, but I hear those characters are still there. What makes them so dyspeptic? I suspect they shush so violently because, like many anxious obsessive-compulsives, they likely suffer from misophonia, an extreme sensitivity to annoying sounds . Researchers have also found a relationship between misophonia and the schizotypal personality . Schizotypals are your garden variety eccentrics. And they're a vanishing breed in New York City. These are people who don...