2017 Vanishings

At the end of each year, since 2007, I offer a list of places that vanished during the year. These are the ones I covered on the blog, but there were many more (and I've been blogging much less lately). Please add those not included here in the comments. Click the highlighted name to go to the post for more info. And for previous years' vanishings, just scroll down to the bottom. Greek Corner Coffee Shop , since 1980. Reason for closure unknown--possible sale of building to new owner Le Train Bleu , since 1980. Closed by Bloomingdale's. Fong Inn Too , in Chinatown since 1933. Family couldn't keep it going, sold the building. Leo Design , since 1995 on Bleecker, kicked out, then another 7 years on Hudson, where the rent was too high. The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel , since 1931. Sold to a Chinese corporation, closed for a renovation into luxury condos. Chez Jacqueline , since 1982. Reason unknown. Lenox Lounge , since 1939. Closed by rent hike in 2012, this yea...