Papaya to High-Rent Blight
The beloved and successful Gray's Papaya was kicked off 8th St. and 6th Ave. in 2014 by a massive rent hike . As Mr. Gray told the Village Voice , "They wanted to raise my rent to $50,000 from $30,000." 2008 It became a Liquiteria juice and smoothie shop. For about 5 seconds. Now it's nothing but more high-rent blight. today It's located across the street from what might just be the longest-running high-rent blight in town, the former Barnes & Noble that's been sitting empty since 2013. At that site, written on the window over the ever-present "flagship opportunity" advertisement, someone has scrawled, "There's Never a Bad Time to Abolish Capitalism." Indeed. (While we're at it, let's bring back the always popular dogs and papaya .)