
Showing posts from February, 2020

Papaya to High-Rent Blight

The beloved and successful Gray's Papaya was kicked off 8th St. and 6th Ave. in 2014 by a massive rent hike . As Mr. Gray told the Village Voice , "They wanted to raise my rent to $50,000 from $30,000." 2008 It became a Liquiteria juice and smoothie shop. For about 5 seconds. Now it's nothing but more high-rent blight. today It's located across the street from what might just be the longest-running high-rent blight in town, the former Barnes & Noble that's been sitting empty since 2013. At that site, written on the window over the ever-present "flagship opportunity" advertisement, someone has scrawled, "There's Never a Bad Time to Abolish Capitalism." Indeed. (While we're at it, let's bring back the always popular dogs and papaya .)

Yonah Shimmel's 110th

On Sunday March 15, the great Yonah Shimmel knishery will celebrate 110 years in business on the Lower East Side. The first 110 knishes will sell for $1.10 each. Go get 'em! And grab a delicious egg cream while you're at it.