Mrs. Stahl's Knishes

VANISHED: 2005...or maybe 2004

photo credit: michael frucht

Since 1935, Mrs. Stahl's served knishes under the El at the corner of Coney Island Ave and Brighton Beach. It's been awhile since I was last there and I went in search of it today. I asked a couple of older Jewish ladies if they knew where I could find it.

"Oh, Mrs. Stahl's," said one wistfully, "I've been taking her since I was a little girl."

"It's gone," said the second lady, "It closed two years ago."

"No, it was three years ago."

"Was it three? Well, it's a Blimpie now."

"It's not a Blimpie. It's a Subway."

"Blimpie, Subway," the second lady shrugged, waving her cigarette, "What's the difference?"

Enough said.


  1. tragedy of the most immense proportions.

  2. Horrid. I guess Jonah Schimmel's is the only one left standing now.

    It should have been illegal to take it down - should have been deemed an historical building.



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