10th Street Demise Update

A few weeks ago, Curbed passed on a rumor that the former art gallery and DeKooning studio buildings on 10th Street might be demolished for high-rise construction. Horrified at the thought, I went by and asked some shop employees what they knew about it. I was assured that they checked and double-checked, and buildings number 90, 86, and 84 are safe from demolition. That is excellent news.

However, they also told me that the corner Green East bodega and the building that houses the former St. Marx Music (formerly formerly the Atlas Barber School) are slated to be razed to make way for a high-rise luxe hotel.


  1. Thanks for the update! Any word on 88 E. 10th?

  2. sorry, that's all the info i have right now. but if you go by and ask around, people who work there are pretty open about sharing info they have.

  3. We live across the street and a whole lot of nothing seems to be going on. We knew about Danal a long time ago (still not open on 5th Ave as of 12/31, BTW), because we're regulars there. We're pretty resourceful Googlers and despite our best efforts, we can't find a single byte of data about this. Nothing about permits filed, nothing about the supposed hotel, no press releases, absolutely zero. If anybody knows more than we do, it'd be great if you'd post it to this very cool site. Cheers, happy new year and see you around the neighborhood.

  4. Also in the neighborhood and curious for an update if anyone has one - seems like an odd little parcel to build a hotel on.


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