*Everyday Chatter

The dealers may no longer stand on our street corners singing "dope, smoke, dope, smoke," but apparently you can still buy drugs "at the phone booth on Stuyvesant Street and 9th Street." [9th Precinct]

Community Board 3 is trying to save the Bowery from further development, but the towers keep coming. Another is set to plunk down near 3rd Street. Says one rent-stabilized resident who's been here since 1980, "My landlord said I should get ready to leave because he's had offers on the building." Words that strike fear in the heart of every long-term renter, myself included. [Villager]

Even the real estate investors are getting sick of the development onslaught. Says one, "Let Manhattan be just one big bullshit skyscraper. Tower of Motherfuckin' Babel. But for douchebags." [Curbed]


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