Trump, Dump, & Undulate

Protest to dump the new Trump, Wed morning [GVSHP]

Ground breaks on new super-condo One Jackson Square.

This week's Time Out cover asks the big question: Has Manhattan Lost Its Soul? The answer, of course, is a resounding yes. [TONY]


  1. Jeremiah---while sitting in a coffee shop on the upper west side yesterday (not a Starbucks!) I came upon a small paper representing the west village called West View. One article was entitled: "Developers versus West Village Activists", it was about the future of Pier 40, which an advisory group, that included Dan Doctoroff wanted to turn into some garish entertainment plaza, etc. (has Doctoroff ever seen a piece of parkland that he didn't imagine a movie complex or something like that on?). Another group was interested in building a sports complex on the grounds. Now I quote: "Then, on May 3rd, all hell broke loose when 1,500 villagers stormed PS 41 and demanded that the City and State refurbish the Pier, keeping the present ball fields and add more. In all recent history, the village had never had such a meeting in which every politician, every activist group, and every individual activist bent his or her cause to one common conclusion---NO DEVELOPERS!" I thought of your blog as I read this; so you see, all hope is not lost, and community groups, even affluent or semi-affluent ones, are fighting against the aggressive development that we city dwellers encounter. Perhaps all hope is not lost yet.

  2. There needs to be more activism in saving the EV/LES area; some kind of street campaign whether it be throwing up stickers or something else....I'm tired of seeing banks and glass condos everywhere. Anyone know of a group whose doing this now; or better yet, anyone want to start one?


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