*Everyday Chatter

Is the obnoxious A Building condo-mega-plex ashamed of the fact that their ass-end hangs out on still-gritty East 14th Street? This perplexing signage at that site seems to say so: "Walk to either corner...go to 13th Street...walk to the middle of the block. Why are you still standing here?"

Zips Deli, long on 5th and B, is being gutted. Its quirky outside paintings of sandwiches are covered with stickers and ads. Any ideas about what's coming to this now-precious corner?

Here's an inside look at the current state of Chumley's. It's pretty miserable. I have little hope it will ever be the same again. [Eater]

Today is the final day for Donuts Coffee in Park Slope--was anybody at the sad scene? [Observer]

Vazacs Horseshoe Bar/7B gets into the holiday spirit with faux-snow stencils of angels, reindeer, snowflakes, and...naked mudflap girls? (she's in the middle left-most pane)

Racked racks up the top 5 most depressing retail closings of 2007. I agree with 4 out of the 5 (Gotham Book Mart, Fontana Shoe Repair, Kurowycky Meats, and Gertel's) but Condomania would not have made my list. The Funny Store only got honorable mention? And what about our beloved Playpen? [Racked]

The Cedar Tavern, ersatz as it might be, looks like it may never come back. At least we could go there and pretend--and the upstairs, with its dark wood booths and amber lamps, felt like the real thing. [Curbed]

I love coming across a vintage sign with old telephone exchange letters on it. Here's one on 14th and A. ORegon-3 was designated for the Lower East Side and I assume Permacut's number has been the same for many years. Do they still offer permanent waving?


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