*Everyday Chatter

Shit laced with gold. [Gothamist]

Cooper Hotel developer says "cities should not be museums." [Observer via Curbed]

A grim round-up of 2007's vanished greats. What will take their places? [Lost City]

A. Fontana will be gone soon, but there are still a few good shoe repair shops left in town. At least in Brooklyn.  [Bklynometry]

Last week I posted about the anonymous protest against the BBQ-turned-North-Fork bank. Since then, passersby have added their own notes to the taped-on signs, mostly polite stuff like "I agree" and "Me too." Now Alex in NYC reveals the protesters are skipping Scotch tape and going straight for good old Magic Marker. [Flaming P]


  1. I nominate this for the Everyday Chatter of the year. Shit gold, indeed!

  2. thanks barbara! it reminds me of something my grandmother would say if she didn't approve of, for instance, a girl you were dating (and thought could do no wrong): "what is her shit made of gold?"

  3. How about shitting dolls that look like yourself? Now THAT would be cool.

  4. Once upon a time a group right here in NYC invented the baseball bat ,or so I'm told , and it wasn't invented for baseballs ...that was a later evolutionary turn .

    When I read the words of this little twerp Peck ,all I can see is baseball bats swingin' .....

    As to the Gold , is a gold-laced fece any more subtle in the proverbial holiday punch-bowl?

    And what about the used toilet -paper ? Should we hang it on the wall picture-like , revealing each individual's gold-flecked ,nuanced wipings as a work of art ?

  5. I walked around different areas of NYC recently. First downtown, then midtown and finally uptown. New York is becoming what Bloomberg is famously quoted as saying "A luxury good." I know a good plan. The if you shit gold once you must shit silver three times rule. That would be great...


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