*Everyday Chatter

Frances "Evelyn" Dudley, the very friendly woman who used to panhandle outside the fence of St. Mark's Church on the corner of 11th Street, has passed away. There will be a memorial service for her tomorrow.

A tipster writes in about the imminent closing of indie Hell's Kitchen (formerly EV) record shop Future Legend: "As I approached the store my heart sank as the big orange sign of death announcing 50% all stock tipped me off to the latest record store tragedy to hit the city... I got the sense they were closing fast and furiously. Not sure they will even be there tomorrow." Read more about it in the Times and News. [Beware otB]

A 101-year-old pigment plant closes in Staten Island and that means no more pink pigeons. [NY Times]

The Fontana Shoe Repair family hopes to donate Angelo's 75-year-old cobbler tools to a museum. [Villager]

The above article also names Fontana's evicting landlord, Mark Scharfman, who bears the distinction of having been dubbed by the NY Press one of the 50 Most Loathsome New Yorkers and, I quote, "The Oil Can Harry of modern-day New York." Here's more from the Voice and Observer.

The Chow Mein sign is dark again and last night Shoolbred's big red sign was ablaze, announcing its opening. Shoolbred's replaced Jade Mountain and is also sporting some fancy wooden stained-glass doors. Down by the Hipster and its commenters provide a review. "Jammed" and "Jager shots" kind of says it all.

I spoke too soon when I speculated that the XXX video shop in the doomed low-rise group of buildings at 14th and 3rd would survive to grind itself against the butt of the shiny new tower to come. They have taken their dildos and buddy booths and moved to Christopher Street, the way of all flesh...


  1. Evelyn was a very sweet woman. May she rest in peace


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