*Everyday Chatter

The old Jade Mountain (now Shoolbred's) Chow Mein sign was inexplicably aglow again today. But whatever happened to the wonderful Jade Mountain sign itself? A tipster told me it's sitting on the roof above the new bar--and indeed, you can see it here, chrome agleam in the morning sun. I spent awhile strategizing how I might climb up there for a better shot, but this is as close as I could get:

Some of us love old neon signs--like these folks in Brooklyn aiming to save Armando's lobster (since 1936). [Bk Heights] via [AMNY]

A sad, crowded farewell to the old UWS's La Fortuna. [Lost City]

Is the Chumley's reconstruction really to build a breakroom for weary Marc Jacobs employees? One Eater commenter claims this is so. Jesus H. Christ on a crutch. [Eater]

Say goodbye to the OTBs--and the toothless old guys who make them what they are. [City Room]

Coney in the off season is a dream--come see. [New Yorker]

Another writer weighs in on the meaning behind Hollywood's relentless destruction of New York, a favorite theme of mine--and gives us one of those delicious-mouthful German words: Schwanengesang. [culturemonkey]

Dystopian films do best during economic booms--just before a downturn. What does it mean? [io9]

And, while we're at it, here's a whole bunch of fantastic Statue of Liberty destruction images. [Gerry C]


  1. Re Chumley's: I wouldn't give much credence to an anonymous poster.

  2. The Rock Lounge may be long gone, but I wonder if the space is still there, as today's Canal Room. A venue which saw the Giant Steps parties transplanted from midtown ten years ago, it now hosts a bizarre mix of dance nights, tribute bands and regular appearances by Colin Hay, the Men At Work guy. And afterwards, a nightcap at true dive institution Nancy Whiskey's, on the corner of the always obscure Lispenard Street. If you go there, enjoy yourself but be cognizant a lot of cops from the Canal Street subway transit station bend an elbow there, too.


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