*Everyday Chatter

The scaffolding is off Bigelow and it's back to looking ever so lovely:

The Minetta Tavern is selling--and going from authentic Italian-American to faux-French in the hands of Mr. Pastis. [Eater]

The unofficial shopping mall that is Soho may become the official Soho Mall. [Villager]

Don't even try loitering, i.e. sitting on a bench, in the new cleaned-up Washington Square Park. It's just for looking at, so keep it moving. [Curbed]

Goodbye lobster, hello pickle: Armando's will be replaced by a fast-food chain. Go Sunday to say goodbye. [Bklyn Paper]

Fulton Fish Market goes upscale green market--I guess all those non-wealthy residents who are losing their Pathmark to a luxury tower will get to enjoy some primo Dumpster diving. [Racked]

Save St. Brigid's--here's another chance to wear your Irish anti-gentrification attitude, tomorrow at Webster Hall.


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