More Moonlighting

Here are the links from part two of my two-day stint as guest blogger on the Curbed network. Please visit the links to read the complete stories and view photos:


  1. Listen, this moonlighting is all well and good, but I like you here in your own spot. Get back over here, dammit.

  2. I'm with Romy! Please don't leave us again!
    Seriously, though. Way to deliver the goods. Thanks for all you do.

  3. Posted on Curbed already, but here it is one more time for good measure:

    Jeremiah, I'm still baffled as to why you're hanging out on that shitty website. It's just a cage in which the smelly little yunnie monkeys can hurl their gentrifying feces all day long... Just look at the comments on your entries!

    I'm so sick of hearing their "tear it down, tear it down" mantra. Hey yunnies, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU IN THE ASS. I'm gonna laugh so hard when the recession really hits this city, the "up and coming neighborhoods" slide back into the '70s, you lose big money on your idiotic real estate investments and angry unemployed thugs are beating the shit out of you on the streets and taking your wallets. And your laptops. Eat shit and die.

  4. Yes Jeremiah, I've been meaning to ask this same question. Why on earth do you want to bother with that yunnie-oriented Curbed? The web site itself admits that Curbed is realestate oriented (actually they say "neighborhood", but you know what that means). And by the angry commentary those yunnie kids leave after your posts, it doesn't sound like they're any more ready to accept criticism of their actions then they've ever been.
    They're happily making money off of all this, and moral appeals don't work on sociopaths, so why bother?

  5. true, many of the curbed commenters are just awful, but the editor/writers at curbed are pretty cool. their take on real estate is often mockingly critical.

    also, many readers here found me through links on curbed. so curbed has helped this blog find good readers.

    ...what are we going to do when i (hopefully, finally) publish my thus far rejected novels and become a millionaire bestseller?

  6. I guess, Jeremiah, we will have to have a drink when both our books are published!

  7. baha, i look forward to that drink--i hope it happens soon!


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