*Everyday Chatter

That building that houses those threatened mom-and-pops on 9th Ave? Call me paranoid, but it is so being gutted and refurbished, apartment by apartment. Can anyone say evictions? This has been the scene outside its back alley, where some lucky new tenants are getting fresh-spanking dishwashers, ranges, and toilets:

Yves is giving its last remaining units the hard sell with this big billboard: "extraordinary finishes!" "forward thinking architecture!" "valcucine kitchens!" Valcucine? Sounds like a herpes medication:

Speaking of herpes, Cooper Square Hotel gets a new nickname: The Dildo of Darkness. [EVG]

Last night's CB4 meeting heard Barroco Cafe's request for a liquor license--did anyone go? How's my Emerman prediction holding up? Either way, the place is coming along fast and fancy.

Real World to ruin Brooklyn. [Gothamist]

Bob catches an old EV tradition--plugging your trash TV into the lamppost and stealing a little entertainment from Con Ed. Nice. [NMNL]

Wish I was at the Chelsea to see this smackdown--there were stun guns! [NYO]

And I wish I was at this splendid sidewalk Sinatra tribute right now! [NYShitty]

I was just going past this way-East 14th Street R&S Strauss place thinking, I gotta check that out--too late: It's on the market for $13 million. Hello MePa East. [Curbed]

It's official: Marc Jacobs has turned the Village into "a precious, pricey, overpopulated, well-corduroyed, bubble-skirted dreamland." [NYO] via [Racked]

The interior gutting of landmark Stuyvesant Polyclinic turned rock-and-roll mansion of death continues at breakneck pace, after the owner got spanked for bolting signs to the exterior:


  1. J, today's Everyday Chatter is upsetting. I need a Valium; have you got Betty Ford's number? Can't wait till Marc Jacobs becomes sooooooooo yesterday, as they say in the malls. Just a matter of time. How many hotels does NYC have now?

  2. LES Question: in the movie Married to the Mob, Michelle Pfeiffer takes her son and his dog, and moves to the LES. Anyone know where her walk-up was located?

  3. Anonymous--The salon she worked in was on Clinton Street. Not sure about the walk-up.

  4. Thanks! Think the salon was across from her walk-up!
    J, I heard someone has written a play or musical called "The Devil Wears Flip Flops"; maybe B'way can interrupt the revivals and stage it.


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