*Everyday Chatter

The VNY Flickr group has been going strong. Now, inspired by Michael Dashkin's "Behavior Enforcing Signage," I decided we needed a place to put all those urban etiquette signs that have been proliferating over the past decade. So I started another group--join here and add your stuff.

...And here's a rather colorful example. [GVDP]

Landlords can evict you to gut renovate? Come August 12, NY State might make it legal. [SLES]

Median household income for white toddlers in Manhattan? $285,000. [NYO]

Alex has a bunch of old photos, mostly of the LES as it was, complete with anarchy symbols and empty skies over Katz's. [FP]

HunterGatherer discovers Rappaport's in the old East Village on TV. [HGNYC]

Contrary to all predictions, the Sunshine Hotel, one of the last flophouses on the Bowery, has been given a stay of execution for the next three years. [Curbed]


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