*Everyday Chatter

Supermodel Kate Moss is cast in solid gold: "2.8 million, 110-pound solid gold...the largest such creation built since ancient Egypt." [yahoo]

Last year I visited the Antiques Garage, final holdout of the Chelsea flea market, soon after its building was sold to a developer for $42.7 million. It was just a matter of time, and today we hear it's leaving the hood for good. [Racked]

Huge East 125th Street rezone flies right under the radar. [Curbed]

Read this insane story about a self-described "loud, pushy," but "deeply sensative" [sic] wealthy mom's ad looking for a nanny--she's also looking for a book deal (aren't we all?). [Times]

Bodega cats rock. And for that they deserve their very own flickr pool--for when the bodegas vanish, so will the bodega cats.

Has NYC's flourishing bachelorette culture inspired little booze-flavored gummi penises? Only if you can wear them around your neck. [Grub St]

A commenter here mentioned "Shteeble Row," a term I was not familiar with. I had no idea that's what I was snapping pictures of along 225-283 East Broadway, now going "synagondo." A search turned up this appealing flickr set.

And checking in with some ongoing developments around town...

The first floor of 15 Union Square West, that big black condo, is shaping up to look an awful lot like a future bank:

The gutting of Kurowycky has picked up the pace and is going like gangbusters:

The foundation of 1 Jackson Square is cemented and now the scaffolding is expanding--into the street and into the sky:


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