*Everyday Chatter

The Marc Jacobs effect may be spreading ever more--to the East Village! And that potent pink cupcake just keeps on crumbling. [Racked]

The clean-up and securing of Jackson Square Park might be in full effect, but as 1 Jackson Square begins to rise from its foundations, they're also getting a bit of old New York--their very own squeegee woman, helpfully cleaning the windows of passing cars:

Read an "excerpt" from The Carrie Diaries, the new young adult novel about Sex & the City's Carrie Bradshaw. [Jezebel]

I wrote about the Avalonization of Extra Place here, and we've seen the developer's plans here, but today we learn that Avalon plans to buy this public street from the city and make it their own private enclave. What's next? [SLES]

The "avant-garde, rebellious spirit" of the East Village is now summed up in one of its first luxury condos, Red Square. Which shows us: When all authenticity has been erased, those that pretended to be authentic will be remembered and celebrated as nostalgic containers of the real. [EVG] ... This was the Red Square developers' plan all along.

Revisit one of my favorite vanished spots: The Times Square HoJo's. [GVDP]

At 7:00 tonight, at Bluestockings Books & Cafe, 172 Allen St., Chelsea Hotel blogger Ed Hamilton reads from his book Legends of the Chelsea Hotel.

When the Ukrainians asked Cooper Union not to block the view of their church, is this what they had in mind? I guess this design element was meant to appease the community, but a mirror to the church was not the original promise of transparency:

Happily, the monster "hive" also blocks views of the Cooper Square Hotel:


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