*Everyday Chatter

Bye-bye Batemans: "Wall Street hotshots were never beloved figures on New York’s cultural landscape. It’s no coincidence that the protagonists of books and movies like 'The Bonfire of the Vanities' and 'American Psycho' tended to be narcissistic jerks, or worse." Says one hotshot post-crash: "This is definitely going to suck the fun out of the industry." [Times]

Wall Streeters turn to God as money fails them. Says one Reverend, "People are just sitting there, praying or crying and definitely exhausted." [Reuters]

(Upscale) strippers going broke since market crashed--maybe there's hope for old dive joints, like defunct Billy's Topless and the Baby Doll, to make a comeback. [EVG]

The bright side: "maybe Manhattan will become affordable again, and cool, and dangerous. Dangerous in theory, but not to you or your family and friends. Dirty, but in a good way." [NYer] via [EVG]

From tipster Reed, the once Bohemian and iconic Cafe Figaro is now officially one among America's 9 million Qdoba Mexican Grills:

The branding of New York City "has had negative effects on the diversity and the affordability of the city; the dynamic mix of the economic base of the city; and the resilience of the city in response to crisis, because it’s so dependent now on finance, real estate and tourism." [Times]

Bye-bye Bratz: "The Bratz dolls, a frequent target of those who bemoan the hyper-sexualization of young girls, have taken another hit." [Times]

"The Bowery is nightlife... where New Yorkers can sip expensive drinks and still step over the homeless who are sleeping outside the Mission. It's faux authenticity that the youth crave. The Bowery. Shudder." [DBTH]

In the tanking economy, Brooklyn's mom and pops survive by slashing prices and "treating their customers like family." [NYDN]

Borough Park's Dairy Luncheonette gives you a "that old, homey feeling." [NYDN]


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