*Everyday Chatter

Houston Street is getting benches. Who wants to sit in the middle of Houston Street? Same people who sit in the middle of 9th Ave I suppose. If you build it (and add WiFi), they will come:

Tonight the public is invited to a Chelsea Community Meeting at St. Paul's Church, 7 pm, to welcome the Gem Hotel (no comment). The enticing part is there will be a presentation on the history of Chelsea, complete with some great vintage photos, including images like this one of the old Allerton:

Our cuddliest Slacktivist, John Penley, is leaving NYC for "parts unknown." Now what will we do? [EVG]

Remembering the magical Martinka. [BBoys]

How marketing concepts become sickening realities: Please let's not nickname West Harlem "ViVa." [NYB]

As an addendum to today's Elizabeth Street post, another shot of the 290 Mulberry scaffolding signage, because the sky is not falling, right?


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