*Everyday Chatter

Blame Starbucks for financial woes: "The higher the concentration of expensive, nautically themed, faux-Italian-branded Frappuccino joints in a country's financial capital, the more likely the country is to have suffered catastrophic financial losses." [Slate] via [Eater]

Now coming to a digitized bus billboard near you--because drivers need more TV ads to watch. [Gothamist]

The blue fencing has come down from around the Balazs Standard Hotel, revealing a hodgepodge of lobby facades and outbuildings. I am no architecture expert, but none of these look like they're in the same style. Reminds me of the suburban FrankenMansion way of building. From the sprawling compound, here's one lobby facade, with bright yellow canister doorway (?). Kinda looks like IKEA. Click for more photos here:

What's it liked to be sealed into a concrete tomb? Watch this video from East 13th Street. [EVG]

A startling before-and-after of the once mysterious and wondrous 11 Spring. [FP]

Yet, with all the super-gentrificating, scary guys with knives are returning to Avenue A. [NMNL]

And in some parts of the LES, a white guy can still be called a "cracker." [CR]

And, here and there, people are still doing some amazing things with bicycles--didn't know you could "Brazil" your ride. [HG]

...speaking of the transformation of 7th Street, check out this report from last night's CB3 meeting: "The owner of Klimat Bar on E.7th St., in particular, did little to appease area haters while applying for an upgrade to a full liquor license. After a resident of an apartment above the bar started to tear up while describing how he couldn't open his windows because of the noise and because of the smoke and because he has emphysema, proprietor Peter Koziej couldn't help but crack a grin. Oops! Immediately everyone in the room began to boo and shout taunts. Koziej wiped the smile off his face, but it was too late: denied, with nary a vote in his favor." [Eater]


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