*Everyday Chatter

"Mayor Bloomberg is morphing into our very own Vladimir Putin and Marty Markowitz into Brooklyn’s own low-rent version of Napoleon." [GL]

“The people of the city will long remember what we have done here today, and the people will be unforgiving,” Mr. de Blasio said. “We are stealing like a thief in the night their right to shape our democracy.” [CR]

"Me, I’m just writing this day down as one more reason to get out of NYC. The Billionaires, it would seem, really have taken over. And you, you have no say in what happens next…" [AngryNYer]

Who says the City Council's overturning of term limits is "disgraceful"?

When asked if she was threatened by Bloomberg or Quinn to change her vote, one councilwoman simply responded, "I don’t want to discuss it." Some cry foul play. [CR]

"the argument for extending the two-term limit for Mr. Bloomberg...is that the city needs someone with his financial acumen to help weather the fallout from the banking crisis. The biggest problem with that argument is that Mr. Bloomberg hasn't been very adept at managing the city's finances, even though he's had record revenues to work with." [WSJ]

Angry mob tells Bloomberg to "get the hell out of town" as he grinningly climbs into his giant SUV. [VV]

And, for your reading pleasure, if you haven't already had the chance, check out The Bloomberg Way--so you can spend the weekend arguing with friends and family who insist this is all a good thing.


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