*Everyday Chatter

Remember the recent plan to stick a condo on top of the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Protection in the EV? It's not happening. Someone at the church told someone at CB3: "the whole plan is CANCELLED...CB opposed the new plan and were looking to landmark it. Church does not want landmarking and were trying to get this in place before new zoning...hallelujah!"

The new Maysles Cinema in Harlem is offering a selection of documentaries about rent control. View their calendar here.

Is the Hunter College School of Social Work good for East Harlem as it demolishes small businesses for its new building? [Times]

Watch movies and more about the decline of manufacturing in New York City--a decline that makes the city more vulnerable to economic instability. [13]

From the VNY Flickr Pool, thanks to Roaring Twenties, a pretty amazing ghost sign from some subway: Hats Cleaned!

As a 100-year-old Villager passes away, so does the memory of cows wandering Washington Square. [Villager]

Check out Runnin' Scared's new feature "The Crap Archives," offering "the finest in forgotten and bewildering crap culled from basements, thrift stores, estate sales and flea markets." Nice. [Voice]

Enjoy some "lobstah" with BaHa. [SE]

Yuppie scum graffiti appears on Thompson LES. [BBoogie]


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