*Everyday Chatter

A reader sends in this quote about slumming on the Bowery. Any guesses at its source? "The kids all have a new craze on an old section of town. They call it the Bowery... The Bowery's changed. Not all of it, but a spot here and there. Not too long ago a wise guy spotted himself a fortune and turned a junk joint into a tourist trap. You know, lousy with characters off the street to give the place some atmosphere all the while catering to a slightly upper crust who want to see how the other half lives."

Re: The Holland Bar, another reader writes in, "A friend heard from a buddy of ours, who tended bar at the Holland to the end, that the owner told him it will re-open before January. We'll see."

Before you hop that bus, take a visit to what is possibly the skankiest dive bar in town, Port 41. [EVG]

Asian restaurant Cendrillon is leaving SoHo for Brooklyn--as the owner put it, “We’re not interested in staying in SoHo because it’s no longer a neighborhood." [NYT]

Cooper Square keeps getting fancier, as "red carpet ready...luxury for rent" haute couture moves in next to the Village Voice. [CR]

And that dirty old Village Voice name is coming off the building--don't want to offend the new neighbors with associations to anything bohemian or countercultural. [RS]


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