*Everyday Chatter

New subways: Now complete with hall monitors. [NYT]

Coney's Astroland is vanishing as we speak. Don't look. [GL]

Status-seeking parents already lining up to shell out $1500 for a big Marc Jacobs stroller. Do not get in their way. [Racked]

The fate of shoeshine men in the big, sinking city. [NYT]

The latest blow to New York's "romantic urban neuroticism." [RS]

Another well-argued case against Bloomberg's way--to take home with you over the holidays and convince your family to vote him out. [EVG]

Flow on down the Flushing. River, that is. [FNY]

How Duane Reade serves our city as a Memento Mori, a reminder that all must die. [GVDP]


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