*Everyday Chatter

A little mid-holiday round-up of the past week's news:

Hey, great news! Streit's matzo factory is going off the market--after bidding the city goodbye about a year ago, they're saved by the economic crisis. Visit the factory virtually, then go grab some hot matzo and have a Happy Hanukkah. [Forward] via [BBoogie]

see all my photos of streit's here

I've been in denial about what's happening to Coney Island. It's really, really bad out there. Looks like Thor has put everything up for lease. VNY reader Jack Szwergold sent in pics of his trip out there yesterday. Check out his devastating flickr set: Christmas Day at Coney Island.

Robin Raj to stay alive--in another form--and the frat bar isn't coming! [EVG]

"8 Yunnies puking" make their way into a very special new holiday song. [STLL]

Chris Shott talks with the Jane Hotel protesters at the Waverly--meet them here at the Bowery Hotel. [NYO]

Forgotten NY took a last look at the recently lost South Ferry station. [FNY]

Good news from Jefferson Market, which may be inexplicably rising from the dead. [FP]

Love Saves the Day is leaving, as reported here and here, and we can't get enough. Here's another look at the vanishing shop from Lily Koppel. [NYT]

Eartha Kitt, who I always wanted to see at the Carlyle and never did, has died. [Gothamist]


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