*Everyday Chatter

Matt Harvey talks to Phil Hartman about the closing of the Pioneer and explores a vanishing East Village over the decades. [NYP]

Please stop! Astroland rocket atop the fabulous Gregory and Paul's to be sold for scrap?! [Curbed]

Ever-vigilant Grieve finds the Vigilant Hotel, a real flophouse somehow still alive. [EVG]

The Ohio Theater is likely closing. Says art director Robert Lyons: "It's not the first cultural institution to succumb to real-estate pressures... Soon we're going to have a city without any cool theater spaces." [VV]

VNY on flickr

A Gowanus before and after. How quickly our urban landscape is radically changing. [Curbed]

Orchard Corset, still surviving on carpetbagged Orchard Street, just launched a sexy new website. [OC]


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