Art on 61 Fifth

A Fine Company reports that the old Schrafft's building on 5th Ave and 12th St is ready for demolition and "plans are underway to build a 10 story mixed use building. It should include 3 or 4 homes, many multi-level and a commercial space on the ground floor."

I wrote about the history of 61 Fifth here and, like Mr. Fine, I also think it's a shame to see a building of such significance vanish. Even in its decay, it has become an interesting sight, worth stopping to look at on your next walk-by because the building and its plywood fencing has become quite a canvas for street artists.

Not as dramatic as the stuff on pre-luxurified 11 Spring, but still intriguing, the art on 61 Fifth is mostly wheat-paste works. Maybe some of you wheat-paste aficionados can identify the artists.

The hand of God passes a bottle of Christ Panacea to a hospitalized Adam:

Patty Hearst in gold, wrapped in tape buildings by Aakash Nihalani (I think):

"What's wrong in your life that her life is so important in yours?" with Britney Spears:

The graffiti spills off the Schrafft's building and takes over the mailbox on the corner--using Diane Arbus' boy from her photo "Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park," but instead of a hand grenade here he is holding a boombox:

And some 61 Fifth Avenue art actually ends up as oil on canvas. Glad to see someone has preserved this about-to-vanish structure. (Note, in the back, a Skullphone and some Obey Giants):


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