*Everyday Chatter

After shuttering and being gutted as reported last year, The Holland Bar is coming back to life at last. Here's the scoop: "the landlord refused to renew the lease in the hopes that he could make more money converting the building for residential use or selling it off. But such plans apparently did not work out, and the landlord offered Mr. Kelly his old space back starting Jan. 1, albeit at a 20 percent increase in the rent. Now the Holland is scheduled to reopen its taps as soon as Wednesday." Praise the recession! [NYT]

Amato Opera building not to fall? Another theater coming to the space? What year is this? [Curbed]

Don't throw away your TV just yet--the digital conversion may be postponed. [yahoo]

Say goodbye to the Veselka mural--or "hello" if you've got the bucks to take it home. [NYM]

Clyde Haberman wonders how to make the greediest New Yorkers feel shame. Sadly, sociopaths and malignant narcissists are incapable of remorse. [NYT]

Another look at this past weekend's Vanishing City extravaganza. [WSP]


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