*Everyday Chatter

EV's Etherera Records to close. [Stupefaction]

And the Coney rocket is staying! [Gothamist]

"Fashiony" and "downtown-looking" could describe the new LES--rather "esque" in general, a simulation of what was--and that's exactly what the fashiony, downtown-looking people want. [NYO]

There are these moments, when you walk through the city and see it as it once was. And then you keep walking. Shot on 13th next to a new condo building:

Check out the great historic pics at this new Coney blog. via [KC]

BaHa goes Greek and discovers a little life left in Hell's Kitchen. [SE]

Slacktivists to do some old-fashioned flag burning in TSP this weekend. [SG] via [NMNL]


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