*Everyday Chatter

The opposition has been very quiet here since the crash. But we just got a juicy comment. Anyone want to answer Anon's challenge (click here)? "Call me crazy but I prefer DR [Duane Reade] to a Mom and Pop--they are cheaper, cleaner, they have more variety and there's always one open. I just think some people here need to get over themselves and grow up a little, you're not a 19 yr old 'atriste' [sic] anymore."

More News from the Yunnipocalypse:

Thanks to the commenter who recalled that Day-O used to be La Marionetta. A search turned up this lovely photo from 1987. Let's hope whoever takes over leaves that antique chrome:

from westvillagebob's flickr

Philip Seymour Hoffman films on Orchard. [BB]

The vanishing cityscape immortalized forever on a cool tattoo. [EVG]

The P&G tries to hang on to some of its old neon sign. [CR]

Are you an anti-Valentite? Spend Valentine's Day enjoying the Post-Apocalypse film festival at Freebird Books.

Gowanus area Jewish Press Building for sale [TRD] ...another picturesque structure to vanish from this enchanting industrial area:

my flickr


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