*Everyday Chatter

More News from the Yunnipocalypse:
-"Nolita" crashes and burns--goodbye to all the little boutiques that killed Elizabeth and environs
-Sex & the City sequel creators strain themselves trying to make the movie "recession friendly"

The Old Homestead Steak House has officially lost their dining room after the landlord raised the rent. It is up for grabs--and looking for MePa retail in an economy where no one's biting:

After Nolita dies, can we get Elizabeth Street back and all the great street art that once graced 11 Spring? [GVDP]

The replacement for the Playpen and Funny Store has been revealed. It's big and it's made of glass. Because "White glass along Eighth Avenue reflects the movement and shimmer of the street"--which may end up being the shimmer of prostitutes and squeegee men. [Curbed]

Affluence of past decade a trick of smoke and mirrors: "there has been basically no wealth creation at all since the turn of the millennium." [NYT]

Jill takes us back to the East Village of the 80s. [Blah]


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