Lexington Candy Shop

The Lexington Candy Shop Luncheonette is no hidden treasure--on the weekends it's overrun by Bugaboos packed with trust-fund babies, but it's the Upper East Side, so that's okay. Still, it is a treasure--opened in 1925 and not renovated since 1948.

I remember the first time I stumbled on it, years ago after coming from a day at the Met, in search of good food. Later, when I worked in the neighborhood, I became a regular, sitting in the first window seat eating dinners of French toast and bacon.

I love the counter with its hot-pink panel and the green-topped swivel stools. I love the curved soda fountains like swan's necks and the chrome cake platters with their foggy plastic covers. I love the malted container and matching 1940 seafoam-green milkshake shaker.

And I really, really love the crazy, utterly anachronistic fact that they serve water in these antique conical cups and stainless steel holders. I don't know anywhere else in the city where you can get that.

See all my pics of the Luncheonette here


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