*Everyday Chatter

Sneak under the Coney boardwalk with photographer Nathan Kensinger. [via Curbed]

City to buy condos? "Seemed everywhere you looked, from Chelsea to Corona, a new luxury building was cropping up,” says Christine Quinn, “Thousands of these homes never sold, left like tarnished trophies of the building boom. These vacant apartments now represent our best asset in the fight for affordable housing." [Villager]

Chumley's (its luster forever lost when it collapsed) has finally raised the roof--complete with dormers. Thanks to the JVNY reader who sent in this bird's eye shot:

For the love of butcher Baczynsky's beautiful plastic bags. [EVG]

Trendy something-or-other replaces Ludlow Wholesale Candy. [BBoogie]

The Vanishing City discussion continues at Dixon Place 3/29--this time with bagels from H&H. [CR]

The uber high-end Brooks Brothers that replaced beloved Nusraty Imports was forced to discount its merchandise ($800 shoes are now $550). [Racked]

Reichl twits of the new Minetta: "funky Balthazar West." Exactly. [Eater]

"Calling All Shittites": New York Shitty seeks contributors.


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