*Everyday Chatter
Berman lays it all out--the hits, misses, and continuing challenges of fighting rampant development. [Villager]
The street artist known (sort of) as Beautiful Mary is now turning his wrath toward doctors. [BBoogie]
When condos don't sell, send out the pom-poms and short skirts. [Curbed]
Lou Reed has some harsh words for Bloomie: "Why would anybody in their right mind want to do something so ugly, so irresponsible, so disgusting other than Bloomberg and real estate people... You can't keep track of every last thing these thieves do." [NY1]
Citizens scream for AIG blood. [Gothamist]
Speculating on the future of Zips bodega at 5th and B. [EVG]
"It’s like they’re doing a replica of Chumley’s for Disney World...Maybe they’ll have a gift shop." [Villager]
The street artist known (sort of) as Beautiful Mary is now turning his wrath toward doctors. [BBoogie]
When condos don't sell, send out the pom-poms and short skirts. [Curbed]
Lou Reed has some harsh words for Bloomie: "Why would anybody in their right mind want to do something so ugly, so irresponsible, so disgusting other than Bloomberg and real estate people... You can't keep track of every last thing these thieves do." [NY1]
Citizens scream for AIG blood. [Gothamist]
Speculating on the future of Zips bodega at 5th and B. [EVG]
"It’s like they’re doing a replica of Chumley’s for Disney World...Maybe they’ll have a gift shop." [Villager]
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