*Everyday Chatter

Found an interesting blog today on architecture, culture, and the city. Check out D.J. Huppatz's Critical Cities and read about 21st Century New York Interiors and Meatpacking District design, where "wasted space" is equated with luxury.

When zombie banks build a city of ghost towers, New York starts to look like Bangkok. [Slate via FP]

The lovely, zebra-rich Gino lives for another 5 years. [Eater]

The LES gets fake graffiti for the boat-shoe set. [BBoogie]

One writer wonders: When will white men stop waiting for a handout? [Salon]

Starbucks faces an existential crisis. [Slate]

Ken looks back at the pre-fabulous Minetta. [GVDP]

Washington Square Park renovation is over budget and delayed. [WSP]


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