*Everyday Chatter

Another demolition for once-interesting 8th Ave? This shot comes in from tipster Reed, at the corner of 46th and 8th, an area that's been almost totally clear-cut. The "ghosts of 8th Ave" are wailing:

7th St. to get more crowded with more bars and restaurants. Liquor license apps to come. Keep an eye on your CB3 agenda. The Addukkan space is #80 E. 7th and the outdoor bar/cafe is #83. [EVG]

Who knew: Cobble Hill factory was the birthplace of the Invisible Dog. [NYT]

Boogie goes paparazzo for Jarmusch at the Sunshine. [BB]

Giant, silver Cooper Union "hive" inspires paranoid space-alien graffiti. [FP]

Starbucks haters, enjoy this visual treat. [Eater]

Check out the Brooklyn Blogfest May 7.


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