*Everyday Chatter

In more pool party news, the Gansevoort Hotel brings the Hamptons to the Meatpacking District with a party that goes on and on-- "get your glam on" --Sunday nights from noon until sunrise? It's a good thing no one lives in that neighborhood anymore. Right? [ CF via Eater] Uh-oh, H&H Bagels seized. For now. [ Eater ] Another great thing about the blogosphere. Last month I asked if anyone had images of the Astor Riviera Cafe . This month, one came in--a postcard scanned and sent in by New Yorker cartoonist Joe Dator . (Note the bookshop upper left--will we ever see the word "Scholarly" on a sign in Astor Place again?): Joe Dator also makes films. And he's got something on his website that cat lovers and fans of 1970s New York crime TV will really enjoy. Click to see...Boris! Leather daddy Lenny Waller sends in this slideshow of Times Square back when the city was gritty. If the city is financially thriving, as Bloomberg says, do we really need his f...