The Other Backside

Back to the noise wars, yesterday, the Lo-Down reported on this week's community meeting to combat excessive noise coming from the Thompson LES hotel. One of my tipsters, a resident of the backside tenements, was also on the scene and submitted the following details:

"People were upset about the pool noise," the tipster reported. The hotel hosted a pool party last week and "it was disgustingly loud." How loud was it? See for yourself. That same tipster sent in this video:

Also reported from the meeting:

Management promised to put sound meters in resident's apartments so "we can hear what you hear" and adjust levels accordingly."

"The one thing that got a giggle from everyone is that management promised to email us with a list of events before they happened. One resident (who lives next to the tent) effectively said, 'What good will that do? So I know when not to stay in my own apartment in case I want to sleep?'"

Finally, there will be another meeting with hotel management in 30 days.

More Hotel Noise News:
Note from the Backside 1
Note from the Backside 2


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