*Everyday Chatter

As noisy, obnoxious bars and restaurants spill to gentrified Long Island City, people are freaking out LES-style. [Curbed]

Tonight: Tell the SLA, "No more liquor licenses in the EV!" If it's giving you a headache and keeping you up at night, then stand up and be heard at the CB3 meeting. (Click the pic to read details.)

Koi sushi says they'll be low-key on the Bowery. Meanwhile, celebs and fashionistas gear up for this "in-crowd magnet." They go before the CB3 tonight. [EVG]

5 Rose's Pizza miraculously did not become a bank or a Starbucks. Iggy's Pizzeria now has signage and the place is spruced up with a pressed-tin ceiling and flat-screen TVs--so we'll see what that's all about. They're also up at the CB3 tonight:

7/23 at Otto's Shrunken Head: Go to the benefit for Ray's Candy and help save this EV institution. [Shadow]

How the foodies are ruining junk food by making it fancy. Sort of. [NYT] Anyway, check out this great parody blog: Fancy Fast Food.

Discover remnants of the Mayfair movie palace in a Times Square BBQ joint. [GLF]

Enjoy a little real-estate Schadenfreude today. [NYT]

Go inside the engine room of Coney's Wonder Wheel. [NYT]

Take a visit to Arthur Avenue, which has yet to be ruined. [NYT]


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