*Everyday Chatter

Good news! 500-foot-rule strengthened by NY State--a neighborhood victory over the nightclub juggernaut. [Eater]

Jill says: Stop the SuperNoise of Superdive. [Blah]

On 23rd and 7th, Burritoville to become Lucky's Famous burger shop. Famous? Well, there's one on 52nd and now they're spreading:

And right next door, what was (I think) a frame store is becoming...a Michigan Militia or some other paramilitary hideout? Hard to tell with the U.S Marines and "Don't Tread on Me" flags draped in the covered windows:

See the "Teeny Bop Horde" as Gossip Girls take over Little Italy. [BB]

Another take on the recession's upside for NYC: "some of the worst kind of New York types are less in evidence. The wannabes who walk down the street shouting into their cell phones, trying to look like wheeler dealers, the masters of the universe types who stare .....somber and smug.... through the tinted windows of their black limos; the over dressed, over jeweled and over-ampted shoppers for whom nothing is quite right. You know the types?" [HuffPo]

After more than 50 years, Peter's corner grocery vanishes. [EVG]

Thor to Coney: "I'm the guy who controls this--it's my sandbox." Click for a pic of baby Sitt. [ATZ]


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