*Everyday Chatter

Say it ain't so! Guss' Pickles is leaving the LES for Brooklyn. One more reason to stop loving the LES. [LD]

Is this the t-shirt of NYC's new generation? They used to love the city, now they believe the city loves them. Trust me, yunnie, the city loves no one:

Hipsters upset about the Crusty invasion of dead Williamsburg condos have retaliated with irony, creating the Gutter Punk Foldable and writing, "they've invaded the 'burg and now we can expect a surge in lyme disease from the ticks festering in their nasty-ass beards." [FW]

L Magazine blogger Jonny Diamond rages at hipster-on-crusty hatred--and, in the process, sums up "the gentrifying pattern of the Lower East Side (aka the East Village) which went artist/junkies, crusty/huffers, yuppy/alcoholics" vs. the Williamsburg pattern, which "has kind of gone artist/alcoholics, hipster/cokeheads, yuppy/artisanal beercoholics." [LM]

Russel Brand on Orchard [BB] and R-Pattz all over the EV [EVG]--must be cool here.

Build More Luxury Condoms. [NYS]

Village neighbors score a big kill--the much-despised Beatrice Inn goes down. [Gothamist]

Soho neighbors also score, putting the kibosh on the "Mondrian Menace" outdoor scream machine. [Curbed]

Our local Slum Goddess jams in France with R. Crumb, friends, and family. [SG]


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