*Everyday Chatter

NYC really is turning into one big dorm/frat/sorority house--because today's newcomers admit they are terrified of the new and the different, and being alone makes them very anxious. Says one broker, they're no different than the immigrants who came through Ellis Island. You know, just more of those poor, huddled masses. [NYDN]

What happens when you just want to complain but you're not sure why? [Blah]

This interview, in which the self-proclaimed "high-class bitches" of Scores weigh in on politics, makes me really miss the old-school gals of Billy's Topless and the Baby Doll Lounge. [BB]

Revisit the 1980s EV on flickr. [EVG]

The Loews Village 7 has started showing classic films on Sundays. This weekend it's Casablanca. Next up--Hitchcock and more. Check out the schedule here:

If you don't have the coglionis to enjoy Manganaro's in person, or if you just want to whet your appetite before your next trip, check out the Bourdain video (begins at 4:50). [youtube]

8/27: Hear New York Stories from a Brooklyn mortician, a flophouse photographer, and the big gay ice-cream man. [Gelf]

Yes, the Howl! Festival is happening this year--kicking off with some performance art on 9/3. [EVH]

Visit New York's long-gone underground clubs. [BB]

The Bowery Boombox is alive and well. [Boogie]


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