*Everyday Chatter

Ghostly mural of Dash Snow, "East Village artistic rebel", appears in Soho:

A quick look at the closing of the Beatrice Inn and New York's noise wars. [NYT]

"The terrace is not your living room." A note to the noisy jerks of Ave A. [EVG]

A peek inside the Crusader Candle Factory--where your 7-day prayer candles come from. [FIB]

You're not the only one annoyed with the endless number of "petition-waving college students" on the sidewalks. [NYT]

"After seven and a half years in office, Bloomberg, who is now sixty-seven, has amassed so much power and respect that he seems more a Medici than a mayor." [NYer]

Bloomberg lets slip he'll be Mayor Forever. [Gothamist]


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