*Everyday Chatter

Man on the street Tim Murphy works out with David Barton at the Astor Place "mega-gym palace," a place for people with style who "don't want to go to a place that looks very un-stylish." [NYM]

Yet another peek-a-boo, I see you, shit-and-shower boutique hotel coming to town--and on the Bowery. [EVG]

When yunnies attack (each other)! [Gothamist]

Don't miss seeing Katie Couric spliced with Britney's bush--on view at PS 1. Apparently, it's good, old, kid-unfriendly fun. [CR]

The guy who took a Meatpacking sex club and turned it into a luxury lounge is taking over the Hog Pit. [Grub]

Who's painting portraits of Dash Snow all over downtown?

from salim's flickr


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