Chelsea Flea


On a recent walk past the corner of 17th Street and 6th Avenue, I discovered a new-looking fence around the parking lot that held the Chelsea Antique & Collectible Flea Market.

The fence has no gate, and the sign rather aggressively states "Private Property." I made a phone call to the number on the vanished flea market sign and was told that the flea closed this month and won't be returning "any time soon."

old sign, photo: Javier at Yelp

According to the blog Here Be Old Things, the parking lot is owned by a Catholic institution, the New York Foundling Hospital, located across the street. Two years ago, when Chelsea's Antiques Garage was rumored to close, a dealer at the little 17th Street market told the blogger, "If the Archdiocese kicked us out, I'd march right down and talk to the Cardinal about it."

Recent news in Chelsea Now tells us the Garage is staying put. But what happened to its smaller neighbor down the street? Was it shut down by the Foundling Hospital--and what does the Cardinal have to say about it?


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