*Everyday Chatter

Comedy at the Holiday? JVNY reader Frances sent in this pic to my Facebook page, saying, "Stefan has not been gone six months and now there is this amIfunny night at the shrine for serious alchoholics?" First the Jager girls and now...

Oct 2-3: Attend the Lost NY Conference, starring many of your favorite nostalgists, including Alex NYC, David Freeland, and Bowery Boogie. [P&W]

At the newest Bowery tower, banging conga drums are no doubt already giving the neighbors something to fret about. [Curbed]

Matt Harvey looks at the murder of Eric "Taz" Pagan and gun violence in Alphabet City. [NYP]

As more bullets fly in the East Village, some things don't change: "Still, I see too many seemingly clueless people bopping around by themselves wearing Bose soundproof headphones and texting at 2 a.m. They're making it a little too easy." [EVG]

Kevin Walsh traces the evolution of Extra Place, the lost alley off Bowery. [HP]

Dickchicken possesses the voicebox of Ernie Anastos: "Keep fucking that chicken." [Gothamist]


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