*Everyday Chatter

10/2: The Coney Island Film Festival kicks off. Click here for a full schedule.

Tonight: The city vanishes at Dixon Place. [CR]

"And so goes the Battle of Jane Street--a skirmish that pits the beautiful, the rich and the chronically drunk against ordinary fools." --Andrea Peyser [via Curbed]

With a seltzerman off his feet, Brooklynites suffer through a seltzer drought. Bonus: Video inside Gomberg Seltzer Works. [NYT]

Punk lives...at Kmart. [FP]

Bowery and 1st, before and after. [EVG]

Slogan of a Mott Street boutique:

Melanie visits the Clayton Patterson show on Rivington--you should too. [EVC]

Jim Carroll, at the end of his life. [NYT]

Cindy Adams on fashion in the LES. [BB]

Coney's Cyclone Man is a hall-of-famer. [ATZ]


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