*Everyday Chatter
The term "bitter renter" no longer applies. [NYT]
Kicking it in Riverdale. [FNY]
A look at how the recession is affecting Arthur Avenue. [CR]
On Elizabeth Street, in luxury shop Vince, someone's being robbed:

Oh boy, digester eggs. [NYS]
Highlights from Open House New York. [Gothamist]
The Bowery is getting a bazaar. Is that like a church bazaar with tea-cozies, raffles, and white elephant tables? [EVG]
If you're laidback, wholesome, and effortlessly cool, Hollister has a job for you. [BB]
Kicking it in Riverdale. [FNY]
A look at how the recession is affecting Arthur Avenue. [CR]
On Elizabeth Street, in luxury shop Vince, someone's being robbed:

Oh boy, digester eggs. [NYS]
Highlights from Open House New York. [Gothamist]
The Bowery is getting a bazaar. Is that like a church bazaar with tea-cozies, raffles, and white elephant tables? [EVG]
If you're laidback, wholesome, and effortlessly cool, Hollister has a job for you. [BB]
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