*Everyday Chatter

"The Rent is Too Damn High" guy is now driving around in a car decorated to rival his website:

Mars Bar
, after many recent visits from yuppies and celebs, declares the East Village dead. [EVG]

...So has Mars Bar jumped the shark and become totally yunnified? As City Room puts it, has this dive become a diva? [GoG]

Ray's Candy is now serving Belgian waffles. [NMNL]

10/23: Celebrate the opening of two new rooms at the art-filled Carlton Arms Hotel, presented by Artbreak.

11/11: The Independent Booksellers of NYC are kicking off their Indie Bookstore Week with a party in Brooklyn.

The Brooklyn Museum is about to debut "Who Shot Rock & Roll?" [Stupefaction]

Review: What the Dog Saw, collected New Yorker essays by Malcolm Gladwell. [NYT]

Will any High Line graffiti survive? [Gothamist]


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